• Losing the one you love.

    Ivylocker® is built for those who have lost a loved one.

Ivylocker® for those left behind

Sudden death of a spouse is sited as the number one most stressful event in someone’s life, along with losing a parent or a child.
If you’re the survivor, you know firsthand of challenges you’ve had to endure, the sleepless nights, dining alone and handling all of the affairs.
When you are widowed you may wonder if you‘re the only one that cuddles with a pillow in bed in the middle of the day because it’s just too much effort to get on with life. Even their scent in sheets and clothes just brings a flood of memories.
Or maybe you’re so busy that you haven’t had time to stop and grieve and you wonder if there are other widows like you.
You may feel like I’ve already lost someone and I’m alone, so why would I need a service like this?
In experiencing the loss you have already felt, we believe that everyone who is living has value.  This includes widows.  You continue to live on and surely there is a reason for that.  After all who is to say whether greater things or relationships are in store for you in your future?  Also, think of any family or friends you have.  By joining IvyLocker® and getting your affairs in order you will make things easier for them.
Than lastly, consider whether going through this loss could have been a little easier on you, if some of those items like notifying providers could have been done for you.

Protect your legacy
with Ivylocker® today!

Remembering those special times, good times and being able to share those moments is what’s important in all of our lives..

  • Life Insurance Notification
  • Credit Bureau – Freeze Credit flag
  • One location for organizing your affairs