• All Families Matter

    Ivylocker™ is built for single parents.

Ivylocker™ for Single Parent Homes

When an individual takes on the responsibility of parenting it is an incredible, the most daunting, yet rewarding job one can take on.  After all, you are their hero!
Opportunities for growth will be sprinkled in every season of every year of the child stretching the adult.
As a single parent, some of the concerns are making good decisions for our children, guiding them and always having the means to provide for them.
Life is simpler when you don’t have the responsibility of caring for another; but once you take it on you will want to do it right.  This also means preparing your affairs in case of an emergency or life crisis situation where someone else must step in and care for your child.
Having an IvyLocker can assist every single parent with this by storing key pieces of information in IvyLocker and designating a next of kin, rest assured IvyLocker will be there when needed.

Start your free trial
and protect your legacy.

It’s simple, safe, and secure…. easy!