• Every Life Matters

    Ivylocker® is built for single adults.

Ivylocker® for Single Adults

Statistically, with divorce rates being higher and young adults waiting longer before getting married, there are more single adults than ever before.  Being a single adult is not a crime, nor does it mean that a single adult’s life has no value in regards to who will miss them, or whether or not they may have assets to identify and leave to someone.  Friendships and families of any one who is single will mean just as much to them as anyone else.
Living alone may establish habits to not share information with others.  There are those who will write everything down on a pad of paper and have that conversation with a family telling them about the pad of paper and where to find it. But should that pad of paper get moved or lost or worse simply age becoming illegible to pull information from the notepad – This is why we believe that having a secure encrypted backup of this type information is vitally important.

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